06 August 2010

Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation)

Did you know that not only does relaxing just feel really good, it can actually help you?

That's right. Relaxation is good for your mind and body. Over the past decades, researchers have complied large amounts of research on relaxation. They found that relaxation can help prevent many diseases and make you feel better in general.

When you relax you gain more energy and achieve better sleep. Regular relaxation is beneficial for the immune system. It has been found that after one month of regular relaxation a person can increase their natural killer cells and antibody levels. The benefits of relaxation almost never end.

Some of the doctors at hospitals teach their patients ways to relax as part of their medical treatment. Even Physicians can now prescribe a relaxation program. Many doctors are just now figuring out that relaxation has so many incredible health benefits, that many of them see the difference in their patients.

If you didn't know the benefits of relaxation, you're not alone. Many people aren't aware stress and tension have such a harmful effect on their health.And to top it off, these very same people usually have a hard time letting themselves just relax.

This is one of the many reasons Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation) is so beneficial. Yoga Nidra can greatly improve your ability to relax in a gentle and enjoyable way.

Deeper Relaxation enables you to become more productive in your thinking, efficient and effective. Put the day behind you.

There are four marvelous Yoga Nidra sessions each designed to help you relax in their own way:

1. Deep Relaxation: Give your body and mind the deep level of relaxation it craves! You will become calm in your mind and your emotions and become centered and focused within.

2. Mind Clearing: Helps you to get rid of the clutter in your mind, while allowing you to slip into total nothingness, complete bliss, a void where there are no thoughts.

3. Calm and Focused: As you take time to relax and focus on your breathing, you will realize a center of peace within you. Remain calm during difficult situations and think clearly and productively.

4. Let Go: Take time to connect to your inner world and let go of all outside thoughts. Be able to become more productive in your thinking, efficient and effective. Put the day behind you.